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3333 Michelson Dr., Suite 300, Irvine, CA 92612


Our Consultant teams truly believe that great partnerships are based on consistent value… and we have the track record to prove it. Many of Link Consulting Services’ Fortune 500 clients—like those mentioned below—have partnered with us for more than 10 years thanks to our commitment to Link Consulting Services’ company mission, as well as our portfolio of bespoke recruitment solutions designed to help our clients succeed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution and beyond.


A large multinational business and technology consulting company discussed challenges in keeping up with the demand from a fortune 100 technology company in providing highly technical technology and software engineers and dangers of not completing project in accorded timeframe.  They challenges were receiving the right candidates in accordance to the technical specification within a reasonable timeframe.

Link consulting received the job descriptions and assigned them to our specialized internal area who work on these skill sets.

Thanks to the precision and specialized sourcing and recruiting groups within Link Consulting Services.  The company received candidates within the first week and were able to onboard immediately filling the shortages in record timing and completing the project within the time frame.  This lead Link Consulting Services to become a tier 1 supplier to that project within 3 months of being onboarded.

CASE STUDY: Multinational Telecommunications Company

A large multinational telecommunications company approached us to help reduce costs on an ongoing Radio Frequency Optimization services project. They also required a performance evaluation of the project and all technology professionals to identify areas of improvement and provide viable workforce solutions.

Link Consulting Services assessed the Company’s project as a whole, including:
• Appraising employee performance across international Specialists placed by Link Consulting Services as well as the Company’s direct hires
• Analyzing hiring processes, recruiting funnels, and workforce markets
• Evaluating project and recruitment spend
After this in-depth analysis, we quickly observed that the Company would benefit from using international Specialists as subject matter experts and troubleshooters, rather than requiring them to perform all job functions.
To enable these top-tier Specialists to focus on specific troubleshooting issues, the Company needed to grow its local workforce, cost-effectively source talent, and then develop this talent at the junior and senior level.
Link Consulting Services designed a Graduates Plan to establish a funnel of incoming Junior Specialists and provide a career path toward Senior Specialist. The Graduates Plan growth strategy encompassed a mix of on-the-job training, classroom training, and period evaluations over the course of 18 months.
After developing the program, our Consultants located, interviewed, and hired all the new engineers and funneled them into the Graduates Plan. Within months, the Company had a new, agile team of junior Specialists. Meanwhile, Link Consulting Services partnered with the client to identify promising Junior Specialists who had already been on the project, and train them to become skilled Senior Specialists.
This enabled the previous Senior Specialists to become highly focused Consultants specializing on specific troubleshooting issues that required their extensive experience—more effectively using the Company’s talent and eliminating wasted spend.

• The Company experienced a 40% cost reduction on the project while working with Link Consulting Services
• No project quality was lost throughout implementation of the Graduates Plan
• The Company increased their local workforce by 35%, decreasing costs, improving project agility, and enabling international Consultants to better leverage their expertise for project success


When Client A relocated their main Latin American project site, they faced a significant increase in labor cost. Additionally, many of their candidates chose not to relocate with the company—resulting in sudden staffing shortages, stalled productivity, and tens of thousands of dollars on the line. They needed cost-effective labor on a challenging timeline in order to remain on budget and on track toward project deadlines.

Link Consulting Services leveraged our extensive network of international consultants to immediately source the IT and telecommunications talent Client A needed to keep their technology projects on track.
We also established local staffing relationships to steadily source regional talent that was more cost-effective, readily available, and sustainable—thus ensuring that Client A would never again encounter a sudden talent shortage that crippled their project productivity and budget.

Thanks to consistent success throughout the years, we have expanded our partnership to encompass all countries where Client A has a presence; Link Consulting Services now provides local, specialized candidates at each of their global work sites.
Most importantly, we have been able to reflect a savings of 30% for Client A while reducing time-to-fill.


Client B needed a team of specialists who were willing to fly around the world at a moment’s notice in order to perform critical maintenance work. Their current staffing agencies were ill-equipped to provide talent with the specialized skill sets needed, and were unable to organize trips, coordinate business expenses, and manage travel reimbursements in a timely manner.
As a result, the specialists refused to travel or were assigned to incorrect work sites, they could not perform adequately, and projects were constantly delayed—all at significant cost to the company.

Link Consulting Services assessed the client’s needs and immediately leveraged our in-house travel specialists and administrative staff. We implemented 24/7 systems to coordinate travel plans, provide specialists with the funds they needed to arrive at the work sites on time, and address any last-minute reservation changes or urgent needs.
We also streamlined the client’s billing and invoicing system to ensure that all invoices were distributed on time and properly tracked.

All specialists now arrive at the correct project sites on time and on budget, while also reporting increased engagement thanks to the support of Link Consulting Services’ 24/7 teams. Due to greater transparency on project expenses, the client can also make more informed financial decisions and utilize their budget effectively.
Within just a few years, Link Consulting Services has become the client’s preferred recruitment partner, providing bespoke candidates that achieve the company’s strategic technology objectives.

Let us build a value-driven partnership with your organization.